
 The famous Ratatouille

What is Ratatouille ?

A popular Mediterranean dish, Ratatouille is a summer vegetable stew made with zucchini, eggplant, red and yellow peppers, tomatoes and onions, to which are added aromatic herbs from the region.

Why is Ratatouille called … Ratatouille ?

Formerly called "Ratatolha", this recipe found the name of Ratatouille in 1831. More precisely, the name of Ratatouille comes from the Occitan French words “rata” (in French : ragoût) which refers to a stew made up of pieces of whole vegetables, and “tolha” (in French : touiller) which means to stir and refers to the action of mixing the ingredients together.

How and where was born the Ratatouille ?

This specialty originates from the city of Nice in Provence, a region in the south-east of France characterized by its Mediterranean cuisine, made up of aromatic herbs and lots of vegetables.

Although it is very popular today, ratatouille took time to establish itself among the tasty and appreciated dishes of the French. The recipe was born in the 18th century in the countryside of Provence, thanks to farmers who needed to use the entire end-of-season harvest.

Initially, it was consumed by the military and by prisoners, because it was easy and quick to cook. In 1846, ratatouille was defined in the French Provençal dictionary as “a soup for rats” and “a bad stew”.

Today, ratatouille has nothing to do with this “bad stew”. It was not until 1952 precisely that the very first recipe for ratatouille as we know it today appeared. It also gave its name to the film from Pixar studios released in 2007.

How to taste it ?

Ratatouille can be eaten in different ways. It can be served as an accompaniment to meat and fish, as a tasty starter or as a main dish with rice to add a little consistency to the dish.

Ratatouille can be eaten either hot or cold, depending on individual preferences. 
Note : it is even better if eaten the next day.

Even if ratatouille is eaten all year round, it is best to eat it between June and September, because in this season, the vegetables are full of sun, which will make the dish even tastier.


Typical Ratatouille recipe 

 Ingredients for 4 people : 
    - 4 zucchini                                          

    - 4 eggplants
    - 500g tomatoes    
    - 2 peppers (red and yellow)
    - 3 onions
    - 2 cloves garlic
    15 cl of olive oil
    - Condiments such as basil leaves, thyme, bay leaf, parsley, Provencal herbs
    - Salt and paper 

Preparation : 

  • Wash all the vegetables.
  • Peel and cut the zucchini, eggplants, peppers and onions.
  • Cook all the vegetables separately each time in 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 2/3 of their cooking time, for 15 to 20 minutes over low heat.
  • Put back to cook all the vegetables over low heat in a large saucepan, to finish cooking, for another 20 to 30 minutes with all the condiments.
  • Serve hot or marinate in the fridge overnight. 


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