

What is Aïoli ?

Aïoli is a Provençal sauce made from an emulsion of garlic and olive oil. Basically, it's garlic mayonnaise.


Aïoli comes from the Provençal language words “aï” (in French: ail) which means garlic and “oli” (in French : huile d’olive) which means olive oil.


The very ancient origins of Aïoli go back to antiquity. It would have appeared during the Roman Empire and in ancient Egypt. This sauce is linked to the ancestral origins of olive oil in the Mediterranean basin, a basin in which Aïoli is very common and appreciated.

How to taste it ?

Traditionally, Aïoli accompanies salted cod, but it can also be eaten with cold meat, potatoes, beets, green beans or even carrots, etc.The Aïoli is eaten fresh when served but can also be eaten at room temperature or hot.

Recipe :

Ingredients :
    - olive oil
    - 2 egg yolks
    2 cloves garlic
    - salt / pepper
    - lemon

Preparation :
  • Peel and pound the garlic in a mortar, to make an ointment. Salt, pepper.
  • Add the 2 egg yolks and a little oil. Mix well with a whisk.
  • While stirring, add the rest of the oil in small streams. Mayonnaise should set, very lightly add lemon at the end.
  • Keep chilled until serving.


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