
The fougasse, a provençal flat bread

The fougasse is a type of bread really known in French gastronomy and especially associated with Provence region. 

What is the fougasse made of?

The fougasse is a flat bread to which several ingredients are added. In Provence, it is often enriched with good olive oil. But there are also many creative recipes in which dried tomatoes, cheese, Provençal herbs, little bacon lardons and many other good things are added. Therefore, the fougasse is not a simple bread, it becomes almost a meal in Provence.

fougasse made with eggplants and dried tomatoes

Note : It also exist a a sweet version of the fougasse which is a specialty of Aigues-Mortes (a city in the South-East of France). There, it is flavored with orange blossom.

How can you eat it? 

Fougasse can be eaten at any time of the day but people from Provence often eat it on its own as an appetizer or accompanied with tapenade. Moreover, they eat it at any time of the year.

A little about its history

For those who want to know more about this dish, the fougasse comes from the word "panis focacius" in ancient Rome which became "fogatza" in Occitan. It referred to the bread cooked in the ashes of the fire. It is also said that originally, this quick cooking bread were made by bakers to test the temperature of their ovens. Then, they were eating them during the day.

Some recipes

Some links to wonderful Fougasse recipes, you must try them :


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