Papeton from Avignon

The papeton from Avignon

We could not have evoked the gastronomy of the region without talking about the specialty of our city: the papeton from Avignon, also called eggplant papeton.  

Avignon city

What is the papeton made of? 

The papeton is a meal made of eggplants mixed with eggs, that are cooked to takes on the texture of a flan. It is often flavored with garlic, parsley, thyme, and bay leaves from our region : what makes it a typical provencal meal !


eggplants, basis of the papeton

How can you eat it?

The papeton is often served as an appetizer and accompanied by a tomatoes sauce or other vegetables, such as salad. People from the South of France mostly eat it in summer because of its fraicheur but also because the vegetables that are needed in the recipe grow during this season. 


A little about its history

Besides being delicious, this meal has a very interesting story that I would like to share with you. Indeed, it is said that this specialty was conceived in the 14th century by the cook of Pope John XXII, whose palace was in Avignon. He wanted to prove to the pope that Provençal cuisine was as good and imaginative as Italian cuisine. So, he created this meal which pleased a lot the pope. So, that’s why it is called like that. 

A recipe 

You will need the following ingredients
    1 kilogram of eggplant
    6 organic eggs
    - 5 cl of milk
    - 20 cl of tomato coulis, 
    - 4 cloves of garlic 
    - 1 onion
    - condiments such as thyme, olive oil, bay leaf, salt and pepper.


Preparation :

  • Cut the eggplants and mix them with all the condiments (onion, thyme...). 
  • Then, cook them in the pan for about 30 minutes. 
  • Add the eggs and the milk. 
  • Finally, fill a dish with the mixture and put it the oven for one hour (at 180°).


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