Olive oil

Olive oil

What is olive oil?

Olive oil is a fresh fruit juice that is produced in all countries around the Mediterranean from the end of October to the end of March for the later fruits. This oil is very popular, especially in the south of France. 

This Provençal speciality is full of many qualities. Olive oil is excellent for your health, due to its high content of omega-9, monounsaturated fatty acids. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and lowers the levels of total "bad" cholesterol in the blood. 

How is it eaten?

The special thing about olive oil is that it is also edible and can be used for hair care. As well as in salads, for cooking fish, meat etc., olive oil in the hair helps to keep the hair healthy thanks to its protective effect and helps to fight against hair breakage.

It also helps to fight cancer, diabetes and many other diseases. But it must be used in moderation and stored well.

The history of olive oil

The discovery of this oil dates back to several millennia before Christ. In the Middle Ages, it was used in religious ceremonies and for self-defence.


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