The Pistou Soup

The Pistou Soup

What is Pistou Soup ?

It is a soup composed of summer vegetables such as green, white & red beans, zucchini, potatoes and tomatoes, mixed with pasta and served with pistou, a pounded mixture of garlic, olive oil and basil.


“Pistou” is a Provençal word, derived from the Latin “pistare” which means to grind, it refers to the mortar pestle that is used to make it. Pistou is a derivative of Italian pesto. There is no big difference between the two except for the pesto which also contains pine nuts, parmesan and pecorino.



If today, Pistou Soup is considered one of the essential recipes of Provençal cuisine, it is indeed from Genoa, in Italy, where it originates.

France at the turn of the century was very attractive to Italian families looking for work, and many of them came to settle in Provence.

It is therefore not uncommon to see certain similarities between the traditions of Provence and those of our Italian neighbors.

It was not until 1897 that the first recipe for Pistou Soup appeared. It was Jean-Baptiste Reboul who was the first to mention it in the first publication of his book La Cuisinière provençale in 1897. According to him, at that time, Pistou Soup was only "known" in the South East and West of France and Corsica. It was considered as the "soup for the poor".

When and how to taste it ?

Pistou Soup is generally eaten in summer because it is the season when we find the basil and the vegetables that compose it.

It is always served hot and as a starter. Traditionally, it is accompanied with good wine from the region. In addition, it is a friendly summer soup that is usually enjoyed with family or friends !

Typical recipe :

Soup ingredients for 4 people :
    - 250g flat green beans
    - 250 g white beans
    - 250 g red beans
    - 3 potatoes
    - 2 tomatoes
    - 200 g of large vermicelli or pasta shells

Pistou ingredients :
    - 3 cloves of garlic
    - a large basilica foot
    - 4 tablespoons of olive oil

Preparation :
  • In a cooking pot, put 2 liters of water with the green beans cut in 3, the white beans, the red beans, the potatoes cut into cubes and the tomato pulp. Season and cook.
  • Three quarters of the way through, add the pasta and leave to cook over low heat until the soup takes on a fairly thick consistency.
  • Then make the pistou : crush the 3 garlic cloves with basil leaves in a mortar, then, turning the pestle and drizzle with olive oil.
  • At the time of service, the pistou is generally mixed with the soup, or served in a small container separately, to be mixed directly on the plate by the guests.


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